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Community Report - March 2024

Published: 31.03.2024

This report will not be a standard report as it is the last report on "Community 2.0". In May 2023, I made a difficult decision and decided that I would continue to maintain and develop the project on my own. Commercially, the community is unprofitable and unpromising, but there must be something else in life besides the thirst for money, something that will bring a smile and joy, and for me it became the Community. And so after 10 months, tons of caffeine and energy drinks, I'm at the finish line and I'm very happy to have you with me.

I'll admit to you, those 10 months were horrible: constant power outages, sirens and air strikes, mental burnout, server problems, and a lot of other unpleasant little things. But I'm glad none of that stopped me from quitting development. Thank you all for your support, you are an integral part of the community, without you I would have already given up and closed the service.

Release. On Tuesday 02.04.2024 at 08:00 UTC there will be a shutdown of all services and migration to the new version. According to the experience of the previous global update, the time of technical works will be about 5-6 hours, and also will have to wait for DNS records update up to 12 hours for some Internet providers (the service will work on new servers). In the Discord community I will constantly publish the current situation.

See you in the new "Community 3.0"))

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